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Understanding "Illness" Through the Biological Laws of Nature

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

By Jenny Peterson

Have you ever wanted a guidebook to help you understand your symptoms and how disease happens in the body? I’m not talking about a google guide either that actually makes you more confused with multiple different theories. 

Like, something so simple that it answers all the questions that you have about illness AND it's 100% accurate because it's law, not theory? Well, I have just what you need in today’s post. 

I will be going over the 5 biological laws of nature that offer a profound shift in understanding how our bodies respond to unprocessed events and develop what traditional medicine calls illness or disease. 

If you're tired of feeling at odds with your body and want to regain control over your health with a clearer understanding, this blog is for you.

In my holistic training, I learned that the underlying causes of health conditions were: nutritional deficiencies, organ congestion, toxins, physical trauma, parasites and infection. These were the guidelines that I followed when working with my clients. These made sense to me at the time and I was able to help many people using this approach, but with short term results. Symptoms would go away and then come back again maybe a few months later and it always felt like there was something “wrong” with everyone that I was being asked to help fix. 

I looked at the body as being something that needed to be supported at all times with supplements in order to “function properly” and that symptoms were bad and needed to be eradicated.

This approach is very common in the medical and holistic worlds and, honestly, it's not helping people understand what is really happening in their body. Instead, it's teaching us that 1) The body is failing us. 2) We need to take things to stop symptoms. 3) We need to fear our body and 4) That we know more than what it knows. We become disconnected and at war with our bodies rather than having trust in it and working as a team. 

I took a deep look into this approach to healing when I was sick with chronic conditions and realized that I was missing something. What I was doing wasn’t working. And when something isn’t making sense, what better time than to look to nature to make it make sense. When I learned the biological laws of nature, everything shifted for me. In fact, I let go of all of the “training” and beliefs that I accumulated throughout the years because this way of looking at health made so much sense and honestly made it so much simpler. This approach comes down to biology. How we are biologically designed for survival, which is the foundation to it all. 

The 5 Biological Laws of nature were discovered by Dr. Hamer and proved to be present with every single one of his cases, over 20,000 people. No matter what the person's symptoms were, these laws were present in every single case. What this means is that it's not a theory, but a law. Laws happen every single time. Theories are just theories and are not 100% truth. 

Going into this with an open mind is very important. You have to remember that you have a lot of old beliefs and fears that are ready to challenge you and keep you where you are. If you don’t like where you are, then challenging these old beliefs and rewiring new ones is going to be part of the solution you are looking for. These 5 biological laws will simplify the way you look at health and help you have trust in your body rather than fear. 


1) Illness/disease is initiated by an unprocessed event on three primary levels: the psyche, brain and organ.

When a human being is experiencing a state of stress, the brain has the capacity to prompt an adaptive response to alleviate it. This will generate a modification in the brain, and the organ controlled by that specific brain center will then register a functional transformation. That directly corresponds to the way an experience is perceived and ultimately felt by an individual. This is our built in survival response. 

In essence, each organ in the body has a function and is connected to a specific group of neurons in the brain that monitor the cells within that particular organ. Therefore, the brain controls the behavior of our cells. 

When a conflict generating extreme stress within an individual is not resolved, the brain will order a specific biological response in the body that will express the emotional struggle. The brain alleviates stresses that we experience as unmanageable by expressing solutions within our biology. It is as if we have a built in conflict resolution system that functions without our having to think about it. Like I always say, your body is taking the hit for the things that you are unable to process. 

So, if it's a death fright, there is an impact in the brainstem and the lung adapts. If it is a loss conflict for a woman, the conflict will register in the cerebral medulla and the ovary will adapt. 

So I want to walk you through an example of this:

If we imagine four women going through the same sudden event, such as unexpected news that their child has a life threatening illness, we may wonder why they don’t all respond the same way or manifest the same disease. This is where understanding the perception is very important. The perception is directly connected to the significance that people, places, circumstances and events hold for us. And although most of us experience through the same 5 senses, we have different ways of giving meaning to our experiences based on our subconscious patterns. 

In the case of the four mothers, the determining factor of their individual perceptions and emotions related to their child's diagnosis resides within their subconscious mind. The subconscious contains their life stories, including all of the beautiful and painful memories. It is the keeper of the beliefs and values that are aligned with their different religions, traditions, cultural influences, personal conditioning as well as generational patterns. 

In the example involving the four women, if the first woman perceives the situation about her child's health as a nest worry conflict- which refers to a mother, child or daughter mother conflict- her perception might manifest a cell proliferation in her left or right mammary gland caused by the subconscious yearning to produce more milk to nurture and protect her child. 

The second woman may be a person with strong religious principles who has spent her whole life following the Bible and making sacrifices for God. In this particular case, the woman feels extremely angry with God after receiving the news that her child is sick and she cannot digest the fact that he is making her child suffer. She feels betrayed but suppresses her rage towards God,  which subsequently leads to a tumor in the colon. The tumor is a manifestation of the morsel she can't digest. Rather than being a mistake of nature, the tumor will function to produce more mucus in the colon to slide away the undigested piece.

Now, the third woman's perception may be a death fright. As she imagines that her child could stop breathing and die. Symbolically, she might want to take in more air for her child. Since staying alive is primarily contingent upon breathing and the lungs capacity to process oxygen, the lung would be the targeted organ in this case. A proliferation of cells allows for a greater oxygen exchange, thus resulting in lung cancer. 

The fourth woman may have a strong belief system and inner resources that allow her to handle the situation with much less emotional stress than the other three women. For example, she might believe that her child is protected no matter how bad the circumstances may seem. She might have an inherent spiritual acceptance about life's challenges and their purpose. The example of the fourth woman shows how a difference in the perception of a particular situation can prevent unmanageable stress. It is very possible that the fourth woman will remain free from any disease or symptoms related to her challenge because of this perception. 

These examples show how “diseases” are not triggered by circumstances. Instead, they are triggered by our perception of the circumstances. Our thoughts, brain and body do not operate independently. The synchronicity between the three is the key to understanding this approach. 

2) Every disease runs in two phases.

This law states that illness/disease operate in two phases, the conflict phase and the healing phase. 

During the conflict phase, the body shifts out of normal homeostasis and it shifts into a state of heightened sympathetic dominance. This is the fight or flight. A particular organ is going into hyperdrive during this time in order for you to survive this situation. This is the stage where tissues are adapting. 

Your hands are cold, you're not as hungry, your mind is constantly thinking about the problem. And all of these things are to help you to get you to that place of resolution. 

Ideally, we want a resolution in the mind so that the body can move into the healing phase. If there is no resolution to the conflict, adaptation will just continue. So we have to resolve the conflict and then we can shift into that healing phase. 

The healing phase is where you will notice most of your symptoms. This is when things will be swollen, you might have a headache, inflammation, heat, fever, be in pain, sore throat, runny nose, diarrhea, etc. It's a construction site. There will be fluids because healing happens in a fluid environment.

Notice as I describe this, how these symptoms are often not associated with healing according to what we have told. Inflammation, swelling, pain, etc. are all labeled as bad and we must get rid of them. We are so misinformed about what healing really is. We think we are doing good by taking things to stop these symptoms but really we are interrupting our own body’s healing process.

This is why people are stuck in a hanging healing for years. When we constantly interrupt our body's own healing process or never resolve the underlying conflict related to our symptom, the body still continues to fight and work towards homeostasis but can’t complete it. People are bouncing back and forth between the conflict and healing phases most of their lives which is what causes symptoms to be chronic. Chronic conditions are not a sign of the body failing or something wrong, it's simply that the body doesn’t have the permission from the mind to complete the healing process. 

3) Embryology dictates the show.

Dr. Hamer's medical research is firmly anchored in the science of embryology. Taking into account the development of the fetus he discovered that the correlation between the psyche, the brain, and the organs is closely connected to the three embryonic germ layers (endoderm, mesoderm, ectoderm) from which all organs of the human body originate.


The endoderm is the oldest germ layer. Organs that derive from the endoderm such as the lungs, the organs of the alimentary canal, the uterus and prostate correlate therefore to the oldest biological conflicts related to breathing, food, and reproduction. 

In the event of a biological conflict, the related organ generates during the conflict-active phase cell proliferation in order to facilitate a conflict resolution. In the healing phase, the additional cells that are no longer required are removed with the help of fungi and tubercular bacteria.


The mesoderm is divided into an older and younger group. Organs that derive from the old mesoderm such as the corium skin beneath the epidermis as well as all the layers covering the vital organs are primarily responsible for protection. The main conflict theme relates therefore to “attack conflicts”. 

In the event of a biological conflict, the related organ generates during the conflict-active phase cell proliferation in order to facilitate a conflict resolution. In the healing phase, the additional cells that are no longer required are removed with the help of fungi and bacteria.

Organs that derive from the new mesoderm give stability to the body (striated muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, connective tissue) and allow mobility. The lymphatic system and the blood vessels also originate from the new mesoderm. The main conflict theme related to new mesodermal tissues are self-devaluation conflicts. 

In the event of a biological conflict, the related organ generates during the conflict-active phase cell loss. In the healing phase, the tissue loss is restored with the help of bacteria.

All new-mesodermal tissues show the biological purpose at the end of the healing phase. After the healing process has been completed, the organ or tissue is stronger than before, which allows it to be better prepared for a conflict of the same kind.


Ectodermal tissue covers the endodermal submucosa of most organs and lines the ducts within an organ, for example, the bile ducts, pancreatic ducts, and milk ducts. It also lines the cervix, the bronchial tubes, the heart vessels, and forms the layer of the epidermis.

Organs that derive from the ectoderm correlate to more advanced conflicts, primarily to conflicts concerned with social contacts (separation conflicts, sexual conflicts, territorial conflicts). 

In the event of a biological conflict, the related organ generates during the conflict-active phase cell loss (ulceration) in order to facilitate a conflict resolution. In the healing phase, the tissue loss is restored with the help of bacteria.

I tried to keep these explanations as simple as possible. If I was to summarize this 3rd law it would be that everything your body is doing is for a purpose. 

When you have stomach cancer, when you have colon cancer, that tissue is going into this hyperdrive mode so that you can better digest whatever morsel it is that you're working on. 

Let's look at Melanoma. If you feel attacked or feel soiled, the body builds a shield and that's what a Melanoma is. It's a shield. It's protecting you from something that's attacking you or something that's soiling you. Acne is also a program of the dermis. Feeling attacked or feeling soiled. And so again, extra cells during the conflict and when the conflict is resolved, the body uses bacteria to decompose those cells when they're no longer needed.

Same thing in the endoderm when those cells aren't needed anymore. That's what bacteria are for. That's why we have more bacteria than we have human cells in our body because they are there as seasonal workers. They're there to help us. Once our conflict is resolved, the body says, oh, we don't need this extra cell anymore because she's not dealing with this morsel. So, the body decomposes it using this ancient bacteria. And then once the conflict is over, the bacteria go back to their dormant state and they just hang out in our tissues doing their thing until we need them. 

When you're devaluing yourself, your ligaments are getting thinner, your bones are getting thinner, your muscles are getting thinner. But when you resolve the conflict, the body rebuilds that ligament, rebuilds that muscle, rebuilds that lymph node to make it stronger than it was before. Like they say, when you break a bone, that bone is the strongest bone in your body. That's how this is operating. We lose the tissue during the conflict. When we resolve it, the body reinforces it and makes it stronger and bigger than before.

Can't we see how brilliant this is? Can't we see how this is intentional and purposeful and not in error? It's all laid out so beautifully for our survival. 

4) Microbes (bacteria, viruses) assist in healing.

The Fourth Biological Law shows that so-called “infectious diseases” occur exclusively in the second phase of a Biological Special Program, where the organism uses the microbes to optimize healing. During their activities microbes require a warm environment, hence, the development of inflammation and fever. Microbes also need an acidic environment, which is suitably provided through the vagotonic state that is dominant in every healing phase. 

The theory that certain “diseases” are caused by “pathogenic microbes” is one of the most persistent doctrines of modern medicine. This general conception is largely attributable to the fact that microbes are present at the site of a “diseased” organ. And since the activity of microbes is accompanied by swelling, fever, inflammation, pus, discharge, and pain, microbes are believed to be the cause of “infectious diseases”. 

Microbes don’t cause diseases but play instead a vital role during the healing phase.

I already mentioned that microbes live in our tissues. They just hang out there. They are there as seasonal workers and they only become active when necessary. 

So let's say that your child is sent off to war. You're terrified they are going to die and so during this time cells are growing. Then the war is over and your child comes home and they're safe and you're like, oh, what a relief. We resolved the conflict, so now you've got this extra mass of cells in your lung. The body says we don't need this anymore and so the brain turns on the bacteria. Bacteria operate under instructions from our brain and the tubercular bacteria are decomposers. They break down this tumor that's no longer needed. And so you cough up smelly sputum and blood and we think, oh, no, you have a scary disease. But, what's actually happening is your body is in the healing and repair phase. It is removing this tumor that's no longer needed. And it needs the bacteria in order to do that. 

Here again we are misled about what bacteria really is.  We're constantly trying to fight them, disinfect them and take this antibiotic, etc. We're constantly told to destroy the bacteria in our microbiome. And the reality is that they're there to do us a favor. Think of bacteria like micro surgeons. They're working for us. And so and that's what happens in the old brain and the mesoderm. They assist either again with tissue breakdown or tissue build up. 

When it comes to viruses, there are these pathogens that jump from one person to another, it's all smoke and mirrors. If you go down the rabbit hole of looking at the actual science or what they're passing off as science, it's pretty sad. They abuse these tissue samples, they put antibiotics in them, they starve them. They do all this stuff to the tissue sample and then they zoom in and say aha! This is the virus that's causing all this problem. Simply put, the virus is evidence of adaptation. That’s it. It's evidence that the ectodermal tissue has been eroded and then is restored. The COVID virus, what's that? It's evidence of adaptation. In the bronchial mucosa. HPV, what's that? It's evidence of adaptation in the cervix. Everything that we call a virus is simply evidence that the tissue has eroded and regenerated. The body went through an adaptive process, but it comes from the tissues themselves. It doesn't come from an outside source. The body produces this adaptation. And so there's nothing to be afraid of. There's nothing to vaccinate against. There's nothing that we need to be afraid of. These bacteria, fungus and viruses are our friends and part of the healing process.  

5) There is an infinite Intelligence running the mind-body.

Which is the understanding that nothing in nature is malignant, everything is meaningful. This is this zoomed out bigger picture that there's no evil in nature. Is the fox who catches the rabbit evil? Well, no, it's sensible, it's biological everything that the body does makes sense and is purposeful and isn't random and this allows us to no longer fear and misunderstand our body. You can look at whatever's going on in my body and see that it has meaning. It's biological and for my survival. 


“All so-called diseases have a special biological meaning. While we used to regard Mother Nature as fallible and had the audacity to believe that She constantly made mistakes and caused breakdowns (malignant, senseless, degenerative cancerous growths, etc.) we can now see, as the scales fall from our eyes, that it was our ignorance and pride that were and are the only foolishness in our cosmos. Blinded, we brought upon ourselves this senseless, soulless and brutal medicine. Full of wonder, we can now understand for the first time that Nature is orderly and that every occurrence in Nature is meaningful, even in the framework of the whole. Nothing in Nature is meaningless, malignant or diseased.”

Let’s review the 5 laws of nature again:

1) Illness/disease is initiated by an unprocessed event on three primary levels: the psyche, brain and organ.

2) Every disease runs in two phases.

3) Embryology dictates the show.

4) Microbes (bacteria, viruses) assist in healing.

5) There is an infinite Intelligence running the mind-body.

These 5 biological laws of nature change the way you operate in the world. The way that society is currently constructed is almost tailor made for people to have conflicts. We are conditioned to be scared of our body, be in a state of fear, never have trust in ourselves or our body, and look outside of ourselves for answers. It's no wonder that our bodies are responding the way they are. We are sending messages to our body that we are a weak commander, and what else does the body have to do than to adapt to survive. It's not until we are able to provide our own internal safety, and adapt to life's circumstances in healthier ways that our body will no longer need to take the hit and create adaptations to survive. 

Understanding these laws transforms your perspective on illness and disease. Instead of seeing them as a death sentence, your fear diminishes. You start to work in harmony with your body, marveling at it's incredible healing abilities, and regain control over your own health.

These laws provide a solid foundation to understanding anything that comes your way when it comes to your health. They help simplify the process and bring clarity to what is really happening. If you question anything about health, you can always look to these 5 biological laws to find your answer.

I want to note though that these laws provide great insight to what is happening, but they don’t provide you with the resolution you need to resolve your symptoms. That is individual to you and is where targeted work with your specific subconscious patterns comes in.

That is what we specialize in at MBR.

We teach a specific step by step process that will help you identify and resolve the subconscious patterns connected to your symptoms. You don’t need to figure this out on your own, in fact, I don’t recommend it. Let us help you simplify this process. We've got your back at MBR


Jenny Peterson is the founder and CEO of Mind Body Rewire (MBR). She teaches those that are overwhelmed with trying to heal chronic symptoms how to simplify their healing by focusing on just one place, the subconscious mind. Learn more about MBR here.


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