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Before you submit a question, please check the FAQ section below. Thank You

How can I work with you or your team one-on-one?
We would love to work with you!
Here is our process:
We don't do one-on-one work outside of our programs. In other words, you have to be a part of our programs to have sessions with someone on our team. 
To determine which program is best based on your situation, please request a healing plan. Once you submit your information, you will get a step-by-step healing plan that is specific to your situation, what program is best for you and additional details. 

How much does your coaching/program cost?
We have several options when it comes to supporting you in your healing. To know which of those programs is best for you, please request a healing plan.
In your healing plan you will get the steps that you will need to take to resolve your chronic symptoms, which of our programs is best for you and additional details. 

Sharp Spring Contact Us Form

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