Client Testimonials

Tania came to MBR Program with a long list of symptoms. The biggest one, she was down to being able to eat only 3 foods! After applying the work in the program, Tania was able to get her life and health back!
Tania's Major Symptoms when she Started the Program:
Hashimotos Disease
Hormonal Imbalance
Severe food sensitivities
Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Fibrocystic Breasts
Pericardial effusion
Protein in spinal fluid
Septum defect/heart
Transverse myelitis
Liver Hamangioma
Migraines with Aura
Thyroid nodules and cysts
Gall Bladder polyps
Chronic pharyngitis from acid reflux
Swollen lymphs
Hear Tania's amazing healing story:
How things are now for Tania, in her own words
I have to say that a lot has changed in my life , mostly because I have a life again.
I did not consider the way I was before , living…
The MBR program gave me back my confidence and I became the original me again.
I learned a lot about myself, the relationships with my family and friends.
I learned to set boundaries for myself and others and also respect others boundaries .
I have a different view when it comes to stress and self love! I know the importance of taking time for yourself and how perception change can change a whole situation from stressful to not stressful at all.
I changed a lot of old beliefs , which felt so freeing. It helped me understand a lot about relationships , beliefs , perception etc. One really important thing that changed for me too, is that I do not feel the need to constantly explain myself. Explain why I can not do certain things, do not want to do certain things or why I say no.
I could go on and on …..
Physically a lot changed as well.
I have no more symptoms left and if there are some lingering, they went down from a 10 to 3 or less. When I started I had around 30 symptoms.
The biggest success I had for myself was that after being able to eat only 3 foods and drink filtered water for years, now I am able to eat anything!!!!
How the MBR program has affected Tania in how she deals with life
For me this program changed my point of view in many things and the way I react to certain problems and situations. it's a lifestyle change that I know I will continue living! It gave me the tools to never get to the point I was again.
What Tania liked most about working with a coach
I loved that I had living proof sitting in front of me (on the screen) that it is possible to heal. I loved that my coach knew what I was talking about, the struggles I have and could always relate to me. Another good thing was that whenever you need help to get back in the right head space your coach is there to help.
It is always a reassurance when you see your coach that this will work and that it is possible to heal.
For me it was easier to take advice and guidance from someone that has actually been through something like me than others.
Tania Recommends the MBR Program to others with Chronic Illness
If you are really sick and tried everything else there is, If you spent thousands on dollars on doctors, therapies etc. and you feel like there is no way out and you cannot live like this for the rest of your life. I would say stop wasting your time thinking about should I do this, should I spend the money etc. feeling guilty about spending money for yourself.
Just stop right there and just do it…it is totally worth it. I would not have my life back if it was not for this program.
I thought I was going to die and now I am happy strong and have plans for the future. My husband and kids have me back and I am grateful every day.
What Tania feels separates the MBR Program from others
The MBR program was life changing and beyond my expectations. I did other programs before, but for me having a coach with you through this made all the difference. The coach being available to you at all times and being able to attend the group calls and talk to others that are in the program was a great thing as well. The whole structure of the program was nothing that I have seen or experienced before.
Pia's Major Symptoms when she Started the Program:
Panic attacks
Chronic fatigue
Food sensitivities
Consumed by Fear
Light headed upon standing
Difficulty making decisions
Need to be in control
Worrying about everything
Negative Thinking and self talk
Easily Triggered by others
Getting overwhelmed easily
Couldn’t handle stress
No excitement for future
Listen to how Pia was able to overcome overwhelm on the
Simplify Your Healing Podcast
The changes that have occurred in Pia's life since enrolling in the MBR Program
I am much calmer. I have less overwhelm. I can complete most tasks and live a normal life. If I have a bad day, its simply a bad day and nothing more. I can eat anything I want, no longer get headaches, I don't need to take naps during the day anymore, I'm excited about life and anxiety is no longer a part of my every day. I realize now that I process the control. I can make the necessary changes to set me up for success. I no longer am fear based. I am positive and hopeful and don’t approach situations with alarm or with fear. I look for the best.
What Pia liked most about the MBR Program
I liked the support and the accountability. Without the daily reminders, I know I wouldn't have done the work on my own. Having a coach with me the entire time was so reassuring.
Pia Recommends the MBR Program to others with Chronic Illness
If you are losing hope and feel like there are no other solutions out there, you have to give this a try. You won't regret it. I know you may have fears that it won't work, but don't let those fears get in the way of your healing.
What Pia feels separates the MBR Program from others
It combines all the pieces that are necessary to heal, the targeted work, body work, coaching support and accountability. This program was life changing for me and went beyond my expectations.

Mandy came into the program with Chronic Fatigue and Depression
What Mandy loved most about the Mind Body Rewire Program was.....
EVERYTHING! Most genuine person I have ever met! Beyond helpful! Motivating! Inspiring! Learned a lot!! Was always there for me when I had any questions! Made me see things in a new light. Loved everything about the program. I wouldn’t have done the work without a program like this. It was beyond my expectations and life changing.
The changes that Mandy experienced from apply the work in the MBR Program
Smiling again
Not depressed
More energy
Have power in my life
More willing to go out
Looking forward to my future instead of dreading it
Mandy recommends the MBR program to others with chronic illness
The answers are not outside of you. You will keep spinning your wheels like I did looking outside of you. This is the missing piece to it all.
Char's Major Symptoms when she Started the MBR Program:

Chronic fatigue syndrome ​
Joint pain / inflammation
Arthritis in cervical spine
Dry eye syndrome
Fear of gluten & soy
Fear of gaining weight
The changes that have occurred in Char's life since enrolling in the MBR Program
My entire life has changed. I am free from overwhelm, nervousness, chronic fatigue, food sensitives, nail biting, inflammation, hives, dry skin, hair loss, and bloating. My chronic neck and joint pain have been reduced immensely.
My chronic stress is gone. I am chill, calm and full of life.
My relationships went from turmoil to wonderful. I have never been in a better place with the people in my life (who knew this program would improve this aspect of my life) .
I care deeply for myself, something I’ve never done. I love my body in every way, it truly is my temple and I finally understand what that means.
My kids have a new mom that is better than ever. I really take the time to enjoy being with them instead of worrying about how sick I am or what I have to do next.
I am now in homeostasis , I am the person I’ve always envisioned and craved to be. My physical and mental health are in balance.
I now have boundaries. My old self had poor weak boundaries. I’m still building them and strengthening them daily.
I am a victor!
My entire life has changed. I finally found the cure for my illness. And who knew it would also cure all aspects of my life. My future is exciting. The NOW is exciting.
What Char loved most about working with a coach
Michelle was amazing. Every time we had a session, she knew exactly what to say at exactly the right time. She could easily direct me and prompt my subconscious. She did more for me in 30 minutes than my old psychologist did for me in months of sessions.
What Char liked best about the MBR program
I loved and thrived with the step by step program. I also liked the simplicity of it, although it’s not easy it’s simple. Jenny really lays it out nicely, trust the program !!!
Char recommends the MBR program to others with chronic illness
I would tell them this is the only way to truly heal. I would also tell them to fully surrender and trust the program. I have already been recommending it. I mean who doesn’t want to be their authentic best self, free from the cages of destructive patterns?
What Char feels separates the MBR Program from others
It works. This program is all encompassing. I came to heal my autoimmunity and left an entirely new person. I am free from cages I didn’t even know I had.
Michelle's Major Symptoms when she Started the MBR Program:

Indolent Systemic Mastocytosis
Ehlers Danlos
Kounis syndrome
Graves' Disease
Hashimoto’s Disease
Panic Attacks
Hear Michelle's amazing healing story:
Lauren's Major Symptoms when she Started the MBR Program:
Inability to Drive
Food/Chemical Sensitivities
What Lauren loved most about the MBR Program
I loved the accountability! I also love how straightforward the process is, once you learn it all. No matter what issue you’re having, the solution is the same. That kind of consistency is very comforting to me, and it makes me feel prepared to tackle whatever problem I might face in life.
It opened up the possibility to me that recovery IS possible. I truly thought I was destined to live a limited life, and now I see that I am in control of my future, and I get to choose what kind of life I live. That kind of mindset is priceless.
The changes that occurred for Lauren since enrolling in the MBR Program
I have become more social, more confident, and bolder in my approach to life. I have energy and motivation now! My panic attacks have gone from daily, to none at all. My hormones are balancing, and I’m able to exercise for the first time since I was a child. I am also able to eat foods that I haven’t eaten in years! I can drive and be around any chemical without a reaction.
Lauren recommends the MBR program to those with Chronic Illness
It really removes the chronic illness part of things from the equation completely, which is one of the hardest parts of recovery. Learning that you aren’t actually “chronically ill”, at least not in the sense that most use the term, is very freeing and empowering.
Heat Intolerance, Chemical Sensitivity, PTSD, Brain Fog
What I loved most about the MBR program was...
That I now know more about how to deal with life, and know it's all about my perception.
How would you rate your overall experience with this coaching program?
5 - Life-changing beyond my expectations!
The emotional, behavioral, mental and physical improvements that I have seen from doing the program are......
I am more energetic, I am calmer, less stressed and recover quicker from triggers. I'm way happier and laugh a lot! I can eat anything, I'm exercising again, I sleep through the night, don't have any issues with heat or chemicals, my anxiety and brain fog are gone.
I would recommend this program to others with chronic illness because.....
Everybody needs to know this information, even people that are not sick need this program so they can prevent getting chronic illnesses.

Chemical Sensitivities, Restless Leg Syndrome, PTSD, Brain Fog, Fibromyalgia, Neuropathy, Fatigue
What I loved most about the MBR Program was…..
I loved the comprehensive nature of the program and how Jenny has simplified everything and has made it easy to incorporate the tools into just about any situation. The program has given me my life back and I’m so excited now for the future.
How would you rate your overall experience with this program?
5 – Life-changing beyond my expectations!
I’ve never felt so empowered and with a deep commitment to continue this work for the rest of my life. The tools I have gained and practiced in the program are now a vital part of my life and how I deal with everything whether it be negative or positive. I am so very grateful for the opportunity and the support I received while in the program. The support is without comparison and I always felt that Jenny had my back. This was such a key to my healing and success in the program. The work requires a deep commitment but making the commitment and doing the work regardless of symptoms is life changing. I am truly ready to get back to life!
The emotional, behavioral, mental and physical improvements that I have seen from doing the program are……
I have gained so much awareness and control over my emotions. They no longer control me and how I respond. It is so freeing to not focus on the symptoms and let my body do the healing. This new awareness has helped me get back to life and feel whole and strong again. I am able to exercise now and am so strong. To think a year ago I was hopeless and bedridden. I truly believe without this program; I would’ve never gotten well. I trust my body now, and truly have learned to love myself and my body. I’ve struggled with this my entire life. Knowing I have the tools now to deal with and change different situations that in the past would’ve left me frozen is empowering and life changing. I am truly grateful for the day I reached out to Jenny to join the MBR program.
I would recommend this program to others with chronic illness because…..
It works. It is hard work, but the rewards are beyond worth it. After many attempts at healing, this program was the ticket for me. I feel free and happy again and this work has been life changing. The takeaway from the program is the empowerment to know and finally believe it is possible to heal. The wisdom I have gained from understanding the stress response in the body is the ticket to health and wellness for me. I love how the program is structured and challenging. Overcoming these challenges and understanding why I got so sick was key to healing.

Neck Instability
Instability” of other joints
Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
Nerve and muscle Pain
Panic attacks
Rashes and other skin issues
Jaw Pain
Visual Issues
Mood swings
Digestion issues
Mitochondrial dysfunction
What I loved most about the MBR Program was…..
That it addresses the problem at the root, its presented in an easily understandable way, that it holds me accountable, that there is always a contact person, that it is varied and fun.
How would you rate your overall experience with this program?
5 – Life-changing beyond my expectations!
The emotional, behavioral, mental and physical improvements that I have seen from doing the program are……
No more feeling any joint instability
Digestion issues gone
Dizziness gone
Panic attacks gone
Headaches gone
No more Allergies
Depression gone
I feel happier and healthier than ever
I would recommend this program to others with chronic illness because…..
Unfortunately, I am one of those people who have long doubted the concept of self-healing. I was so brainwashed by everything I heard and read.
As I got involved in the program mentally and emotionally, I noticed more and more improvements that changed my life for the better. Today I realize all my dreams and I appreciate what I have in my life and love everything more than ever. I feel stronger and more empowered than ever before. The best thing is that I even appreciate the dark times today and am grateful because it was and is a huge transformation process for me.
When I can do things with my son today that I desired for in my darkest time, I cry tears of joy and I am so grateful.
What do you think makes this program different than other brain retraining programs?
I tried different Brain Retraining Programs that were also helpful, but I always had challenging times to stay focused and motivated.
Jenny’s program and the accountability has brought me the greatest, longest lasting improvements. Not just in terms of my symptoms, my entire life changed.
It gets to the root of the problem and leads to ultimate success. All of the techniques and knowledge are so valuable. I am forever grateful..
Brain fog
Anemia/nutrient deficiencies
Severe dry/sensitive eye
Hair loss
Chemical sensitivities
Allergies/Sinus pressure
Food sensitivities
Acid reflux
Muscle weakness
Difficulty losing weight
Constantly feeling generally unsafe
Fear of not having control over my life/future
Phone addiction due to lack of activity in life
Feeling "out of body"
Occasional severe body aches without explanation
What changes have occurred in your life and health since enrolling in this program?
When I started this program I was at my absolute wits end in so many ways. I felt like every corner of my life had become dysfunctional through my thinking, emotions and health. My brain was on an anger and self pity loop all day, every day. I had no idea where to start. I am so much different now. I have emotional regulation like I never have before, I am less triggered, I am no longer a victim to life. My symptoms have improved and I have gained a lot of functionality in my life.. but most importantly, I'm no longer consumed with fear.
How do you see what you've learned through the Mind Body Rewire Program affecting your future?
For the first time in my life I actually feel like I know myself. I know what I want in my future, I know what I like and don't like, I know my goals. This makes me feel so much more capable and secure in my everyday life and while working towards things. Because of this, I can have healthier relationships with others, too. Without this I don't think I ever would've had a healthy relationship with myself or with others, I think I would've continued to fill my voids with chaos and vices. I'm really grateful for this relief.
What have you liked best about working with your coach?
There were many times during the program that my thoughts got the best of me and I needed Michelle's support. I felt like when I reached out to her she was a voice of reason that pushed me in the direction of self-resolution and the perspective I needed. Compassionate but firm (exactly what I needed.) I am really grateful for that.
What did you like best about the program?
The accountability was huge for me, knowing I had assignments to complete everyday really kept me consistent and on track during the program because I really cared about doing well. The break down and order of the program is really great too. I learned a lot during the first 30 days and was super ready to jump into symptom work.
How would you rate your overall experience with this program?
5 - Life-changing beyond my expectations!
Is there anything you'd like to say to someone who may be unsure about taking the Mind Body Rewire program? Why would you recommend it to others with chronic illness?
To just do it. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars on my healing... so many doctors, supplements, medications, so many hours on google... this is the only thing that has truly helped me and ended the exhausting "on-to-the-next-thing!" cycle of chronic illness.
What do you think makes this program different than other healing programs?
I knew coming into the program that my stress and thinking patterns were affecting my ability to heal but I truly didn't understand how much until I was relieved of them. Because the program covers every base, I have been able to let go of things constantly on my brain and things I didn't even know I was carrying, and I'm so grateful for that. I feel like a power washer was taken to my life, allowing me to start fresh in so many ways. I have bought multiple brain retraining programs that felt aimless and overwhelming without the assignment breakdowns.

Maren came to the MBR program with chronic symptoms that were getting in the way of her living her best life and being a mom to her 2 boys.
Maren's Major Symptoms when she Started the Program:
Panic Attacks
Food Sensitivities
Heat Sensitivity
Back Pain
Hair Loss
Burning of the scalp
What changes have occurred in your life and health since enrolling in this program?
I learned a lot. I learned to set boundaries for myself and my children. I learned how to handle triggers the right way. My symptoms are completely gone, I work out daily and include taking care of me as part of everyday.
How do you see what you've learned through the Mind Body Rewire Program affecting your future?
It affects everything! I don't know what it would not have an effect on.
What have you liked best about working with your coach?
That I always have a person to come to and that holds me accountable.
What did you like best about the program?
I liked everything about it.. the structure, the Monday meetings...
How would you rate your overall experience with this program?
5 - Life-changing beyond my expectations!
Is there anything you'd like to say to someone who may be unsure about taking the Mind Body Rewire program? Why would you recommend it to others with chronic illness?
It's all really worth it , the money , the time, just everything.
What do you think makes this program different than other healing programs?
The personal Coach, the structure, the meetings, that you are being held accountable and that you get reminded when things are due. The App is great as well.
Becky's Major Symptoms when she Started the MBR Program:
Overwhelmed with daily tasks
Hear Becky's amazing healing story:
The Changes that have occurred in Becky's Life
I have my life back! And it’s better than it was before I fell apart!! I now have the tools to keep myself in a good space. I can better deal with stress and this program has helped me to gain the confidence I was missing all my life. I no longer have fatigue and my thyroid is coming back into balance. I learned how vital healthy boundaries are for better relationships and overall sanity. I no longer am on thyroid meds, have anxiety or get overwhelmed with basic tasks. I'm a completely different person!
MBR has helped me to see all the possibilities for success! There is no dead end street and with the tools I can be proactive in keeping myself well! I am excited for my future once again and have peace looking back at my past.
What Becky liked most about working with a coach
I loved having the work all assigned for me! All I needed to do was my daily work and trust the process. This program truly does simplify healing.. just using what I had.. my own mind! Having a coach is essential for doing this kind of deep work! I’m glad I didn’t try to DIY my own healing. It took a second pair of eyes to help see all of the baggage I’ve hauled around for years subconsciously without me being aware! I’ve definitely needed the accountability to get me through the resistance and to where I am today!
I feel like my coach was very supportive and helpful. It was helpful too to realize that she also went thru the program and understands what I'm going thru.
Becky Recommends the MBR Program to others with Chronic Illness
MBR is life changing and it exceeded my expectations. Just do it!! ..and the sooner the better! This program answered so many of my questions as to why I suffered chronic illness in the first place. This program is so empowering!
It honestly is so simple! I didn’t say easy but it truly simplifies healing. Everyone .. even those without chronic illness could benefit from this program.

Brandon came to MBR with a long list of symptoms. The biggest one, he was covered head to toe in eczema. After applying the work in the program, Brandon was able to get his life and health back!
Brandon's Major Symptoms when he Started the Program:
Whole body eczema
Hormonal Imbalance
Stomach pain
Digestive problems
Low Energy
Food Allergies
No libido
Eye Pain
Hear Brandon's amazing healing story:


How MBR has affected Brandon in how he deals with life
I feel like a completely different person! I have so much more confidence, self-love and belief in myself and feel so much more in-tune with my mind and body. I now know how to set healthy boundaries in my life and truly enforce them when need be. My mindset towards how I handle conflict or hardships in life has completely changed. I am no longer the victim, I am the victor.
All of the major symptoms that I had at the beginning of this program are either completely healed or are doing much better than before. I've taken my power back.
I now feel like I have the awareness and tools to navigate through life confidently. This drastically changes how I view my future. I'm no longer here to survive, I'm here to thrive and am very excited for what life and the future hold.
What Brandon liked most about working with a coach
I couldn't have asked for a better person to coach me through this program. I really liked that Michelle went through this program herself and could relate to everything that I was working through. Her knowledge, personality and heart were monumental in my healing.
The support was immense. Initially, I was doubting myself and my ability to heal... you need a coach and peers who are going to relate, provide feedback and encourage you through this process.
Brandon Recommends MBR to others with Chronic Illness
Prior to finding this program, I had tried literally everything in the book to try to heal. I had gotten to an extremely dark place, where I felt like I would never get better and that I was "incurable." I was really hesitant to do this program and invest more of my money, time and hope into yet another thing claiming to heal me. I'm so happy to say that my frantic search for healing and peace stopped when I started this program.
This program gave me my life back and then some. I'm a new person and better than I have ever been.
What Brandon feels separates the MBR Program from others
I think the core tenants of what this program teaches are completely unique and different than other programs. Other programs taught me to fear everything, whereas this program took away the fear and gave me my power back.
The most important thing to me is that this program works.