As someone who has experienced chronic health conditions, I understand how healing can feel overwhelming.
I've had chronic health conditions ever since being a teenager. I even won the prestigious award for the "most injured" in high school!
I spent my early 20's studying herbalism and holistic health, trying to figure out "what was wrong with me." At the young age of 20 I opened a health and wellness center and despite all I knew, I didn't put my health as a priority and sold it 10 years later due to overwhelm and burn out.
A few years later, chronic health conditions crept in and I found myself unable to drive and the ER being my most visited place.
Despite applying what I learned and everything all other practitioners recommended, my symptoms never improved.
Somehow while doing all my online searches for answers, I learned about the subconscious. Finally, it all made sense to me and after releasing all the unconscious stress that I was holding onto, my chronic symptoms resolved for good.

"When I was "sick" I felt so confused not knowing what protocol to follow, frustrated that nothing was working, and so alone because it felt like no one understood what I was going through. "
My List of Symptoms That I Experienced
(that I no longer have!)
Fuzzy eyesight
Blood Sugar imbalances
Couldn’t drive due to dizziness
Being in stores made me feel sick and dizzy
Swollen Feet and Hands
Digestive problems
Food allergies
Anxiety/Panic Attacks
Heat intolerance
Chronic Cystitis
Muscle Pain
Exercise intolerance
Swollen Tongue
Difficulty Swallowing
Sick during menstrual cycle
Lyme Disease
Chemical Sensitivity
I implement a mind-body approach to healing based on the biological design of the body. The body is NOT separate from the Mind, they are a team working together for one sole purpose, survival.
My primary focus is to help clients identify and release unconscious stressors that are preventing their body from healing and teach how to trust rather than fear their own bodies. I don’t do the healing, your body does once the stress is gone!
I firmly believe that everyone can heal themselves, my team and I are only here to assist in providing the tools to make that happen.
My studies in holistic health started at a very young age of 17 and my thirst for knowledge continues to grow year after year. I have over 20 years of holistic studies and experience working with clients.
My background studies and certifications include: Certified Hanna Kroeger Practitioner (Hanna Kroeger’s School of Healing), Reflexologist (International Institute of Reflexology), Certified Feng Shui Practitioner (Wind & Water School of Feng Shui), Certified Family Herbalist (Clayton College of Natural Health), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Emotional Code, Body Code, German New Medicine Consultant, Neuroplasticity, Bio-Reprogramming, Touch for Health Level 1, Faster EFT level 1 , Family Constellation Certified, Inner Child Practitioner, Consistency Coach Certified.
After going through this experience of chronic illness for myself, I was able to see the struggles that others with chronic illness go through.
Days of despair and feeling like you’ll never be normal again were all very real to me. I too understand the struggle of searching for the answer, only to be in the viscous cycle of bouncing doctor to doctor, diet to diet, and pill to pill.
This is what inspired me to once again help people.
We've been led to believe that we need to fear our bodies only because we haven't understood the biological reasons for what it does. Once we understand, we are able to see that "illness" is a wonderful teacher!