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Megan's Healing Story: 10 Years of Symptoms GONE!

Updated: Dec 22, 2024

By Jenny Peterson

The body never reaches a point where it can’t heal. A person can have symptoms for years, do the inner work, and have it all go away. 

Yes, it's true!

Megan, a former MBR student and now MBR coach is proof of this!

In this episode, I talk to Megan, a former graduate of the MBR program, who proves once again that this work really does work. Megan experienced many symptoms for over 10 years including mouth ulcers, anxiety, fatigue, seasonal allergies, insomnia, and more!

Hear how being told that she had Lyme disease really affected her healing, and all the things she tried before finding the simple solution that worked.

Click the link below to listen to Megan's Interview.


Jenny Peterson is the founder and CEO of Mind Body Rewire (MBR). She teaches those that are overwhelmed with trying to heal chronic symptoms how to simplify their healing by focusing on just one place, the subconscious mind. Learn more about MBR here.


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