By Jenny Peterson
German New Medicine is getting quite popular. It is the newest thing for a lot of practitioners.
This is a great thing, because the more people are aware of how their bodies work and how they have the ability to heal, the better for everyone!
But there are some misconceptions about the work that is required to resolve a conflict (aka a memory or situation that happened that is connected to your symptom.)
There tends to be a focus on zoning in on finding a memory so much that people are missing the big picture of what this work teaches us. Today I dig into why the work that I teach is much more than finding and working on a memory.
If finding the event that started your symptoms is your only and main focus, you are missing some major pieces to your healing puzzle.
When someone learns about GNM, some of the most common questions I get are:
What is the conflict to ___?
How do I resolve or shift the situation that happened before my symptoms showed?
Now these are very valid questions once you learn the basics of GNM.
And from a practitioner point of view, it feels kind of like “tell me the memory and how to get over it so I can get rid of this symptom and get on with my life.” Everything is focused around finding this “magic“ memory.
I equate it to “just tell me what pill to take to make it all go away.”
From this view, doing this work sounds like it can be done in an hour session and symptoms will be gone in a week.
Now for those of us that are seasoned with this work, I will say that this is possible. And in some situations for those that are not seasoned, depending on what it is, there is also that possibility. But for a majority of people with chronic conditions, finding the event, resolving it and addressing any triggers in a matter of an hour is not likely.
This is where the subconscious comes into play and why my work is a combination of subconscious work and GNM. GNM helps me to be efficient and targeted, while the subconscious work creates deep level change that is long term versus short term.
Now I have had lots of training in memory and subconscious work. I have learned hypnotherapy, FasterEFT, EFT, Psych-K, NLP and much more.
Any of these methods can help you “work” on a memory. In fact, when I was doing my healing work, that’s literally all I did was have sessions to work on my memories before I learned GNM. And just like what I hear from many of you that are doing the same, I was saying, “I am working on all these memories but nothing is changing.”
There was a reason nothing was changing, because I was putting all the power into this “magic memory” process that I wasn’t truly seeing where the power really was. The memory work helped me to shift how I saw things in the moment during that session, but once I was out of that session, I was still responding to life with old survival patterns.
That memory session didn’t magically change how I responded to life.
From GNM we learn that how we respond to life creates biological changes in our body. Our body adapts based on how we respond for survival.
As I have discussed in many of my other episodes, survival patterns are stored in the subconscious. How we perceive a situation is based on those patterns and they have been with us since childhood.
90% of people walking on this planet are not aware of their survival patterns, limited beliefs or programming. They are running on autopilot not realizing these patterns are controlling their life.
So unless you have done extensive subconscious work on your old programming, you are going to be in this 90%. This is why memory work can’t be the only focus.
Because when you have to shift a memory, this will require a new set of eyes. Seeing things from a different view, letting go of the “story”, letting go of the blame, etc. Your subconscious doesn’t easily shift this because it feels scary, your survival is at risk from its viewpoint. If you haven’t resolved this situation, there are going to be stakes holding it there in your mind. Those stakes are going to be old programming.
I want to give you some examples of what I’m saying here. But before I do that, I think it's important to discuss that resolving a situation that is connected to your symptoms is basically doing the opposite of what the conflict is about. This will either be by specific actions or shift in perception.
So if you have bladder issues, that means there is a boundary issue going on and you will need to set a boundary in order to resolve it. That's a physical action that you need to take.
Another example of an action resolution is moving. If a person has a rash and its because they want to separate, moving could be a resolution to that.
This is why people are resolving conflicts all the time and don’t even realize it when they take a particular action in their life. They may be moving and taking a detox supplement at the same time and their rash goes away. They will then think it was the supplement that did it but really it was the moving.
For some conflicts, taking action for resolution can be easy, it really just depends on the person. Because maybe taking that action scares them due to old subconscious patterns, which is why they don’t take action to begin with.
So if Beth has bladder issues and knows it is a boundary issue regarding her mother in law, working on that situation will most likely bring up old subconscious patterns that will make her hesitate to set that boundary. She may be fearful of what her MIL will think, or afraid that she will be kicked out of the family, etc. It all depends on her programming, particularly around standing up and speaking for herself.
Like I was saying, resolution is opposite of what the conflict is. If your symptom is back to not feeling good enough, then you need to feel good enough and confident about yourself. If it's about not having enough money, then you will need to feel secure financially to resolve it. If it's about feeling ugly, you will need to love yourself. Get the idea?
This is why working on a memory that you felt ugly isn’t going to magically make everything go away. You have to start loving you. That doesn’t happen overnight, its been a program that has been with you for a long time most likely. Its going to require some work to love yourself.
Anxiety is a great example of this. Anxiety is all about feeling powerless and fearful. You may be able to find a memory that made you feel that way just before your anxiety symptoms showed up. But to be honest with you, most anxiety starts in childhood and isn’t a one time event that is connected to it. Its usually an environment where you felt unsafe emotionally and/or physically on a regular basis. When you are a kid, its easy to be scared and feel powerless when adults have most of the control.
So if you do what most people think needs to be done to work on anxiety from a GNM perspective, they will find a memory connected to these feelings of powerlessness and fear and shift their perception around it. They will think that the work is done, and they shouldn’t have anxiety anymore.
That's not really going to be the case. From working on this one memory, you are not going to instantly be standing in your power and be fearless. Your awareness that you need to do this from seeing that situation in a new light will be there, but actually doing it and feeling it as true is a different thing.
Being able to stand in your own power and create your own safety is going to take practice and daily work.
It is an old pattern that needs to be rewired. There will be many survival patterns in your brain connected to it. The fear of failure is one of the biggest ones I see.
This is why we give daily work that students need to do to step into their power and specific plans for their situation to do that. The memory work is a small piece to the healing puzzle.
Once you let go of the old patterns that are keeping you feeling fearful and powerless, and step into that new version of you responding to life from a place of power, then that is when anxiety will go away. That, my friends, is not an overnight process. It is going to take persistence and dedication to break that old pattern.
Now once you do this deep level work, you will naturally respond to life differently, you will see things from a different perception. Your level of consciousness will be raised. That’s when you will no longer fall in that 90% of people that are running on autopilot. You will see your patterns (and other people’s patterns too) much easier and know how to shift them.
So because you will be responding to life differently, you will have less health issues. The likelihood that you will have something chronic again, will be minimal. I haven’t had any chronic symptoms since doing my healing work. If I get symptoms, they are acute because I have resolved the situation quickly.
This is why the deep level work gives long term results.
Short term results come from doing the quick memory work. It doesn’t stick. I don’t know about you, but I would rather spend my time on the work that prevents me from ending up in this same place again in the future rather than just get through it in the moment and have to do it all over again later.
This level of subconscious work with the combination of GNM is what makes the work that I teach in our MBR programs unique from others. While I understand the desire to have a “quick fix” because you just want to get back to “normal”, this desire can also prevent you from seeing the true transformation that can come to all parts of your life through your symptoms.
So, this work isn’t all about finding that magic memory that will make all your chronic symptoms go away. In some situations that may happen, but that is very rare and will greatly depend on your awareness level. Working on memories, not just the one that happened just before your symptoms started but the ones where your subconscious programming came from, will help you develop that awareness and train your brain to start shifting your perception in a healthy way. At least the method we teach to work on memories does that, I can’t vouch that all memory work does that.
Memories are the proof that your subconscious references for all your automatic habits, behaviors, responses, thoughts, etc. So I’m not saying they are not important to work on. What I am saying is that long term healing goes beyond memory work. It is just a piece to the healing puzzle. Learning from the memory work and taking regular daily action to rewire those old patterns is where the true magic lies. We call this stepping into your 2.0 self.
Becoming your 2.0 self is where you build trust and safety within, which is when your body will get the message that its safe to heal.
Finding all the subconscious connections, including the memories, to your symptoms may feel like a daunting task. It may feel like there is sooo much to address that you don’t know where to start.
This is where I say, you can’t eat an entire elephant in one bite, you have to take little bites. Simplify the process. Work on one thing at a time, rather than trying to do it all.
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You can also Download my free healing guide, “Why Can’t I Heal” where you will learn the 5 reasons that you haven't healed despite everything you've tried. These are the missing pieces to your healing and the key to resolving your symptoms for good.