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Couple Things:

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📥   Check your Inbox:  You'll be receiving an email from me with my response from your application and your next steps within 24 hours. 


👩‍💻   Check Your Spam Folder: Be sure to check your spam folder for my email, sometimes the email fairy gets confused where to deliver my mail :)


"I loved that all the coaches have been where I was and could relate to so much of what I was experiencing. My coach was the proof for me that this program works, and that alone was such an encouragement. I could also reach out to my coach when I had questions or concerns, and she was always there to bring clarity and guidance. The coaches in this program always knew exactly what I needed to hear to get me mentally back on track. My coach was also such a huge support to me; I felt she was genuinely in my corner, rooting for me and cheering me on."  - Becky

"No more stomachaches or bloating. My breast pain and PMS are totally gone. Anxiety levels are miniscule, and I feel confident in my ability to work through anxiety if it comes up. I haven't had any panic attacks in months. TMJ is completely resolved. I can sleep without a bite splint or earplugs which I had used for many years. My nervous system feels resilient and strong. I no longer react with fear when I do experience symptoms. Food is 100% enjoyable and I have zero food rules for the first time in 20 years! I am comfortable in my own body. I feel confident to speak and less worried about what other people think. I can easily apologize if needed and no longer keep myself tightly sealed out of fear. I laugh easily and make other people laugh, too. I am spontaneous and full of life. I have had many opportunities for setting boundaries and am getting much clearer and more confident in my ability to set them." - Amanda

"This program looks at the entire picture with clarity and plenty of support. It will change your life for the better. I’ve have an inkling that getting sick was a type of gift and through the work I’ve done in the MBR program, I now understand just how big of a gift it actually has been. Talk about a full transformation. I didn’t know I could feel this good!!!"- Andrea

"I no longer have difficulty sleeping.  My anxiety, heart palpitations, and overwhelm have gone away. 
I am so much more comfortable with myself.  I care a lot less whether anyone like me.  I care whether I like me most of all.
I loved the accountability, the structure, the repetition of the daily routine.  Everything just made sense.  It wasn't overly complicated, but it was very thorough.  Life-changing beyond my expectations! I think the daily accountability is what makes it more effective.  Also, my coach, Tania, was so knowledgeable and helpful. Her explanations and support were always thorough and aligned with what I was learning in the program, so it felt very consistent."  -

"I feel safe and trusting in my body. Symptoms of swelling, headaches, food intolerances are gone. My negative self talk is gone and I feel more confident.  I eat everything! So profound and life changing! How organized it is. It felt like a very well thought out, tried and true program that I could completely trust and surrender to. This is the solution you've been looking for. I've tried everything, other brain rewiring programs, the simple to the wacky expensive treatments, they helped in ways but I never felt healed and I knew I could feel better. I knew I had to truly believe I was healthy and my body was safe to live my life the way I want, and this program allowed me to accomplish that." -Brittany

"I loved that all the coaches have been where I was and could relate to so much of what I was experiencing. My coach was the proof for me that this program works, and that alone was such an encouragement. I could also reach out to my coach when I had questions or concerns, and she was always there to bring clarity and guidance. The coaches in this program always knew exactly what I needed to hear to get me mentally back on track. My coach was also such a huge support to me; I felt she was genuinely in my corner, rooting for me and cheering me on."  - Becky​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

"I have my life back! And it’s better than it was before I fell apart!! I  now have the tools to keep myself in a good space. I can better deal with stress and this program has helped me to gain the confidence I was missing all my life. I no longer have fatigue and my thyroid is coming back into balance. I learned how vital healthy boundaries are for better relationships and overall sanity. Huge win!!The program has helped me to see all the possibilities for success! There is no dead end street and with the tools I can be proactive in keeping myself well!


I am excited for my future once again and have peace looking back at my past. Having a coach is essential for doing this kind of deep work! I’m glad I didn’t try to DIY my own healing. It took a second pair of eyes to help see all of the baggage I’ve hauled around for years subconsciously without me being aware! I’ve definitely needed the accountability to get me through the resistance and to where I am today! I loved having the work all assigned for me! All I needed to do was my daily work and trust the process. This program truly does simplify healing.. Life-changing beyond my expectations!  This program answered so many of my questions as to why I suffered chronic illness in the first place. This program is so empowering!  -Cailee

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