By Jenny Peterson
Turn on the tv or radio and you will hear commercials for magic potions to get rid of joint and muscle pain. There is big money in preventing or stopping joint or muscle pain. But there is also no truth in any of what you hear regarding them either.
Symptoms of weak bones, muscles, ligaments, blood vessels and lymphatics in your body all have a common root cause, and it's not due to aging or what you eat.
I will be revealing the real root cause of these conditions so you can stop fearing your symptoms and start listening to what your body is trying to tell you.
We see young kids getting injured, people having to get surgery or joint replacements and think that this is a normal part of life. But as normal as this may seem based on how we have been programmed about our bodies, these are all an indication of something much deeper.
When I was a kid, I was injured all the time. In fact, I was voted the most injured in high school. Wow, that's an accomplishment! Once I learned the subconscious patterns that are connected to the structural parts of our body, it made complete sense to me why this was happening. I can say that I no longer experience these structural issues because of the work that I have done within.
If you are experiencing symptoms in these areas of the body, I think it will all come together for you as well.
The body systems that essentially hold you together are: the veins, arteries, cartilage, tendons, fat tissue, muscles, ligaments, lymphatics, and bones. These are the “2 by 4’s” and concrete walls, like in a house, that create the foundation of strength. And when these areas of your body are “falling apart”, weakening, swelling, or tearing, it doesn’t mean that you are broken. Your body is trying to tell you an underlying message.
I want you to think about your brain and body as a team who always has its focus on survival. In fact, this is how I want you to always think about your brain and body because it is the simplest way to understand why your body is doing what it is doing and why your brain perceives the way that it does.
Knowing that these areas of the body are your foundation of strength, why would your body respond with them getting weak as a form of survival?
To explain that, we need to start with the subconscious, which signals to the brain and body whether it needs to adapt or not to a situation. Your body is always there to back you up if your mind isn’t able to process a situation. It's really quite amazing. We basically have 2 survival systems, our subconscious and our body. Our subconscious creates our survival programs basically up until the age of 12. These will be the programs in which you view the world and perceive situations. Your body will respond based on whatever those programs are in certain situations. If your body feels that there is a threat to your survival based on your perception, it is going to do whatever it takes to survive.
So when it comes to the structural parts of your body, in order for those to adapt, there needs to be a feeling of weakness. The parts of our body and what their purpose is, really do give us a clue into what patterns are connected to them.
So if you are having problems with your bones, muscles, lymphatics, ligaments or veins then you are on a subconscious level sending messages that feel as if you are weak, to your body.
If I had to pick one particular subconscious pattern that I see the most with our clients, it's the pattern of self devaluation. A pattern that is rooted in beliefs like “I’m not good enough, I’m weak, I’m a loser, I’m a failure.” It is really no surprise that these are the most common patterns because our society does a dang good job telling us that we are not good enough. Not pretty enough, skinny enough, successful enough, don’t make enough money, not fast enough, not feeling enough is everywhere!
So lets take a look at what this looks like biologically in the body.
Remember that your body is doing this all out of survival. We have to get in the habit of asking ourselves, “what kind of information is this symptom trying to give me?” The message that you are sending to your body is important here.
If you are feeling awful about yourself, not feeling good enough because of whatever it is, from a survival standpoint, your body says “ok you are not feeling strong, so we need to become strong.” Reinforce, strengthen, make stronger, etc. Your body is always adapting to your perception in order to survive.
To become stronger your body actually goes through deconstruction first. It's like a house that has a bad foundation, you can’t strengthen it by adding more 2 by 4’s or more walls. You have to go to the foundation. Deconstruct the whole thing.
So these areas of the body, the muscles, lymphatics, tissues, bones and veins, they get weaker first. It's a cell loss to make space for reinforcement. This is often when people get injuries because of the loss that is happening during this time.
Once you resolve the situation, your body then moves into the healing phase. This is where you will experience pain, swelling, inflammation. This is when people will think there is something wrong and try to fix the pain and swelling, but it is actually when the body is healing. It's when reconstruction is happening, the restrengthening of the area of the body.
So, the self devaluation pattern can become a vicious cycle. You will experience pain when you are healing, so you then feel not good enough to do certain things and the devaluation cycle keeps going. “I can’t do my job now, I can’t do this with my kids, I have this thing that is wrong with me.” So, if you are in constant pain, this is a good indicator that you are on this self devaluation train that just keeps going in circles.
This is why we need to give this whole process a new meaning. If we don’t understand what healing looks like, it just continues to feed the cycle and we have a misunderstanding of our body. If the meaning that you are giving your symptoms is that there is something wrong, then based on that thought you will do specific actions, think, and feel a certain way, etc. When we shift the meaning of our symptoms (or anything in life) we can relax, stop being in this state of panic and actually support the body the way it needs to be supported when it is healing.
How can you change the way you experience your pain? Shift the way you are thinking about it, knowing that it is healing.
Now this doesn’t mean to do nothing knowing that it is healing. You can support your body during this time if needed. Medications that are for pain are going to interrupt the healing process but they could be used for short term if absolutely necessary. You don’t want to use supplements that are anti-inflammatory long term either because again the inflammation is there as part of the healing.
But what you can do is take baths, add warmth to the area to promote blood flow for healing, rest the area as much as you can during that time (which means you may need to stop doing some activities) and most of all, work on your mindset and perception. Doing nothing isn’t going to get you anywhere. But when people think about doing nothing, they think only pertaining to outside remedies. Doing something is actually the inside work. You have to shift the way you are thinking about your symptoms and also address the patterns that are keeping this self devaluation going. That's the work!
Now there are levels of severity regarding this self devaluation pattern. Someone that is experiencing issues with their veins, cartilage, ligaments is a light devaluation. Probably not a major thing in their life but it was just enough to make them feel less than. Then there are the muscles and lymphatics that are moderately more. When it reaches the bones, there is a deep self devaluation, to your core. For example, “I’m useless, not able to provide for my family”.
You will see bone cancers often come after a diagnosis of another cancer and this isn’t a surprise based on the meaning that people give to cancer. They are told they have cancer and then another conflict is created by the thoughts that follow.
To resolve these conditions if they are chronic, is going to require a person to “do the deep work.”
It's beyond just finding a memory and seeing things differently. If you have these types of symptoms, then you have been really good at beating yourself up for most likely your entire life. If you don’t work on stepping into a new version of you, shift the way you view the world and respond to it, then quick fix memory stuff is only going to maybe give you short term relief.
If you really want to address your current situation and prevent it for the future, you have to do the deep work, which is not an overnight thing or a few sessions with a coach kind of thing.
The belief that I’m not good enough always goes back to childhood. Where did you learn to be so hard on yourself? Did you have parents that had high expectations? Coaches and teachers always telling you that you are not doing something right? Have bad experiences with kids at school, making you feel not good enough to be their friend, etc. These are common places that I see these beliefs come from and frankly why almost everyone has this belief on some level. Like I said there are not only the experiences in real life that we get this from but also from society. We now have social media to tell us how we need to look, what success looks like, and so much more.
As a parent, this is a hard area to navigate because no matter how you try to help your child or say something, they are often going to perceive it as they are not good enough. It can be as simple as a child showing a piece of art work they did at school and them not getting the reaction that they hoped from their parents. This is why teaching your child resilience is so very important. They are going to get situations where people respond to them in ways that they might not expect, but when they are resilient, they will know that it is not about them.
Once this belief starts to take hold and plant its seed before the age of 12, we start to see the world through this lens. The way we talk to ourselves are really the words that we have taken on that we heard from others. We may have learned that to be loved or accepted that we had to be perfect or achieve certain things.
Our memories serve as proof to the subconscious for why we believe what we believe about ourselves. The problem is that those memories are formed from old perceptions that no longer serve you. But because your subconscious is using that as proof and really a way of surviving as you move into adulthood, it is not so easy to change just by consciously thinking a different way. It is going to take time to work within the subconscious and those memories to basically give the subconscious permission to let go of those memories and see them a different way. That is the deep work.
Remember that the patterns that you are operating off of today that are connected to your symptoms, are ways of survival to your subconscious. It is going to take time and specific work on yourself to let those old patterns go and rewire new ones.
In addition, a lot of people are devaluing themselves and don’t even see it because it has become so automatic. It becomes a part of who they are. This is why awareness is the first step. Everyone wants to jump in and do the work but truthfully if you are not aware of your patterns, then doing the deep work will not be effective. You have to become aware of the language you use with yourself and how you perceive situations. This belief of “I’m not good enough” is most likely showing up in many areas of your life. Journaling is a great way to see this.
When something is bothering you, get it on paper, write down everything that you are feeling. Then ask yourself, “What would I need to believe about myself to make me feel this way about this situation?”
If you do this often, you will see that the belief that I’m not good enough is often driving the bus. It is the driver for how you think, feel, and act. This is why emotions are not the root to addressing your symptoms, your beliefs are. The only way you feel a certain way is because of how you are perceiving a situation and that perception is going to be based on your beliefs.
When you can trace back to where these beliefs started, you then can see the evidence in front of you and realize that this belief you formed about yourself was based on other peoples limitations and also your limitations at the time.
You then have a choice, is this belief serving me anymore and is it really true? Then you want to take out the old and replace with something new. You get to consciously craft and create a new self concept! What we call stepping into your 2.0 self!
Healing is about so much more than simply getting rid of your symptoms. It's about discovering who and what you really are, what your capacity is for creating an amazing body, an amazing life, amazing relationships, amazing finances, and really creating the life that you've always wanted.
The solution to devaluation is the opposite, it's revaluation. Revaluation is not an overnight process.
It drives me crazy when people are told that the solution is just go back to that situation that started before your symptoms resolve it and then you can go on your way. This is not serving anyone because that person is going to continue acting in the same patterns, most likely having more symptoms in the future. There is nothing learned in that situation and often people walk away forming a belief that “this work doesn’t work.” after that. If you don’t change the subconscious patterns that are no longer serving you and how you respond to life, your body will continue to give you a message.
If you are dealing with symptoms regarding the structural part of your body, the veins, arteries, cartilage, tendons, fat tissue, muscles, ligaments, lymphatics and bones, then I hope I have given you some insight to what your body is trying to tell you regarding these symptoms.
If you're interested in working with us to help you unravel all the patterns that are at the root of your chronic symptoms, the first step is to get an individual healing plan. This healing plan will be the exact steps you need to take to address your chronic symptoms and how we can support you in that plan.
We get it, you're desperate to have your illness be a thing of the past, not something that defines your days. But trying to heal WITHOUT a custom plan is costing you precious time, money and energy!
You are unique, your symptoms are connected to very specific patterns within your subconscious.
Without a plan unique to you, you will continue struggling and miss out on the life you deserve to be living! To help you get started on your long-lasting healing journey, we would love to provide you with a healing plan that is unique to you. Get your custom healing plan today!
You can also Download my free healing guide, “Why Can’t I Heal” where you will learn the 5 reasons that you haven't healed despite everything you've tried. These are the missing pieces to your healing and the key to resolving your symptoms for good.