Accelerate Your Healing
When you purchase a self-paced course sometimes you need more help.
Don't want to wait until the weekly Q & A call to ask a question?
Maybe your overwhelmed and need someone to break it down for you?
Do you feel like you need some extra insight regarding your homework?
Do you feel like having someone to hold you accountable would help you stick to your healing work?
Or maybe you just want someone there to reassure you that you are "doing it right."
And let's not forget your lovely brain within all of this!
Your brain loves to keep you safe. It will challenge you when you need to make change, convincing you to stay where you are at. On those days when your brain challenges you, it's nice to have a coach to reach out to for reassurance.
We realize that self-paced courses can come with some challenges. We want to support you so you can get the best from the courses and reach your healing goals!
It's a fact. Those that work with a coach:
Stay consistent with their work. (Consistency is key to healing success!)
Spend less time trying to figure things out.
Identify patterns that they would've never seen on their own.
Get results much better than those that don't.
With Coach in My Pocket, you have the security and guidance of a coach that has also done this work to heal themselves. An extra set of eyes to see through your patterns and help you address them effectively, which in-turn will accelerate your healing.
With this package you get:
4 weeks of Monday-Friday email support on a coaching platform
Weekly 30 min. check-ins via zoom/phone
Weekly action plans specific to you and what you need help with
You choose who you want to be your coach
If after 4 weeks you want to continue working with your coach, then you continue or if not, that's ok too!
Get started working with a coach today!
COST: $400/4 weeks

I loved working with someone that has done this work themselves! My coach helped me uncover areas that I didn't see on my own. She helped me understand the work I was doing and helped me make sense of it all.
I loved being able to talk with my coach weekly. She helped me with my work and I truly feel like my healing journey has been accelerated by working with her.
I'm so glad I got the CIP! I don't think I would've stuck to the work if it wasn't for my coach checking in with me weekly. It was a motivator that I really needed to commit to this program.